Loki daoc builder
Loki daoc builder

Poisons, Skill Affinity: Lore, Stonecunning, Ki, Critical, Ki Damage, Darkness Domain, Defensive Stance, Dwarven Defender Damage Reduction, Evasion, Improved Defense 4, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Spontaneous Conversion, Superior Weapon Focus, Trap Sense +2, Turn Undead, Uncanny Dodge, Water Domain, Weapon of Choice: Dwarven Axe, Luck of Heroes, Armor Skin, Epic toughness +60, Epic Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Epic Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe.ĭevout, Deflect Arrows, Weapon Focus: Light Hammer, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Rogue, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Weapon Proficiency: Spirit Shaman, Augment Healing, Practiced Spellcaster: Shaman, Empower Spell, Extend Spell, Maximize Spell, Persistent Spell, Quicken Spell, Silent Spell, Brew Potion, Alertness, Skill Focus: Concentration, Battle Training v.s Goblins, Battle Training v.s Reptilians, Darkvision, Durability, Low-Light Vision, Racial Spell: Blindness, Racial Spell Entropic Shield, Racial Spell Invisibility, Skill Affinity: Concentration, Skill Affinity: Craft Alchemy, Skill Affinity: Hide, Skill Affinity: Listen, Skill Affinity: Spellcraft, Slippery Defense, Small Stature, Spell Affinity: Illusion, Spell resistance, Stonecunning, Blessing of the Spirits, Chastise Spirits, Detect Spirits, Epic Character, Evasion, Favored of the Spirits, Follow the Guide, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Recall Spirit, Sneak Attack +5d6, Spirit Form, Spirit Guide, Spirit Who Walks, Trap Sense +3, Trapfinding, Uncanny Dodge, Warding of the Spirits, Weaken Spirits, Spellcasting Prodigy, Great Charisma +1, Great Wisdom +1.īlessed of Waukeen, Captain of Crossroad Keep, City Watchman, Dragonslayer, Explorer, Harborman, Infernal Bargaining, Kalach-Cha, Knight of the Realm, Master of the Broken Blade, Merchant's Friend, Neverwinter Nine, Orc Slayer, Squire of Neverwinter, The Butcher of Ember, Wrongfully Accused, Bane of the Banites, Bane of the Batiri, Bear King's Eternal Might, Devotion of the Menagerie, Devotion of the Red Wizard, Devout, Dragon Slayer 2, Dreamer's Voice, Forgotten Lord, Honorary Jarl, Malleate Spirit, Master Infiltrator, Master Researcher, Neverwinter Patriot, Protector, Safiya's Love, Serpent's Bane, Shipwreck Survivor, Slayer of Sharrans, Wanted.īlind-Fight, Cleave, Greater Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Greater Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Power Critical: Warhammer, Improved Critical: Warhammer, Improved Power Attack, Power Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Warhammer, Weapon Specialization: Warhammer, Able Learner, Skill Focus: Concentration, Quick to Master, Skilled.Īrmor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple.

loki daoc builder loki daoc builder

Veteran, Blind Fight, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Greater Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Greater Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe, Power Critical: Dwarven Axe, Improved combat Expertise, Improved Parry, Mobility, Spring Attack, Toughness, Weapon Focus: Dwarven Axe, Weapon Specialization: Dwarven Axe, Whirlwind Attack, Armor Proficiency: Heavy, Armor Proficiency: Light, Armor Proficiency: Medium, Shield Proficiency, Tower Shield Proficiency, Weapon Proficiency: Dwarf, Weapon Proficiency: Martial, Weapon Proficiency: Simple, Battle Training vs.

Loki daoc builder